Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Party time

The party event of the season finally arrived. Molly had been looking forward to Lex's 6th birthday party for weeks and it did not disappoint.

Some scenes:
Kate ready to go in her party duds, courtesy of Aunt Anna
Molly chasing the Gator ... this was BEFORE she even had cake.

Playing on the new swingset (Molly's behind Eve on the glider)

Kate watching Lex open his presents. I swear nobody put her hand like this. She did it on her own.

Bonus shot of Kate having tummy time this morning. (Unrelated to party)


AnnaPK said...

Can't wait to see those girls!!!!!!!!! I told Lucy I was going to hold Kate the whole time you are here and she said "You can't! You have to ask first!" :)

Anonymous said...

Booooo....Anna, please make sure to convince Kate that I exist and tell Molly that I will be out to visit her next. I am relying on you to cuddle them for me :(