Molly has a mysterious congested nose that only seems to bother her when she lies down to sleep. So we're having a flash back to the newborn days, waking up a couple times a night to nurse her back to sleep. At least now these episodes last about 15 minutes and it's easy to put her back to bed. Newborn night wakings always lasted at least an hour and I'd usually have to put her down two or three times before she'd stay.
Anyway, Molly has been her silly self when she's awake. We had a great time this weekend with Oma, Grandpa and the doggie.

The weather was beautiful, Oma changed some super poopy diapers, Molly had a blast and I got to spend time spinning yarn for diaper covers.
Molly loved all her gifts, especially this doll from Great-Gram K. We might name her Lucy. ;)

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