Speaking of which ... I took the baby to the doctor Wednesday morning because she was doing this scary, noisy inhale thing once in a while. It sounded like a goose honking. She was doing it all morning but of course she didn't do it once in the presence of the nurse or the doctor. Doctor says she's fine, probably just a virus.
On the up side, we got new growth stats. She weighed 17 lbs, 3 oz. I measured her length at home last Friday on her 5-month birthday and it was around 26 1/2 or 27.
In other news, we've been cloth diapering for a week and it's going OK. The diapers I bought are so bulky. Here's a picture highlighting what we've come to call Molly's cloth diaper "front butt." Poor baby can hardly sit up.
The problem is the diaper covers, I think. I got Proraps cheap as seconds. Online reviews said they were super good at containing leaks. They neglected to say that they puff out like balloons and the elastic seems a little rough against the skin.
I'm making my own out of fleece that are much more trim, not to mention super soft and breathable. If only the baby would nap, I could make more.
Oh, one last thing. Molly's getting good at pushing herself up when she's on her belly. She can lift her tummy off the floor now and if you push her knees forward so they're under her hips, she can stay in that positions for a few seconds. Crawling, here we come!
The SAHM gig is definitely a good one!!
They say that babies should get far fewer rashes with cloth diapers, but Eve seems to get mild ones pretty regularly. I've been considering switching laundry detergent to see if that helps. Actually I've decided to switch just haven't done it yet :) So much to do as a SAHM!
The life of a SAHM, so many choices so little time to actually accomplish anything! (I say as I continue to sit at the computer instead of doing my other stuff!) :)
You are a brave one with those cloth dipes! Are you going to switch to dispoables for travel or is it easier than it would seem to travel with them?
I'll probably do some combination of cloth and disposable. Cloth is so much better at containing everything and so much more breathable, but might be harder to put on at those rickety rest stop diaper stations. Plus I'll have to find a place to do the laundry. So we'll see!
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