Thursday, March 31, 2011

Due date, still no baby

We had a little excitement this morning -- the mild contractions started up again FINALLY overnight. But not much else has happened since.
We had our weekly midwife appointment this morning (the one they told us last week we probably wouldn't need) and we're still 2-3 cm dilated, no change. The midwife told me to walk today to try to get the contractions picking up, so we went to the mall after the appointment to move around, then came home and walked some more.
Meanwhile, Molly is still battling this terrible stomach bug. This is the third day in a row that she's spent most of the day in bed sleeping and staring blankly at us. I've never seen anything like this. She's still occasionally throwing up. She hasn't eaten more than a few crackers and some Cheerios since Monday. I don't know what we would do if my mom wasn't here to help. Fortunately Molly seems a little perkier today -- she even cracked a joke or two this morning -- so we're not worried. It's just unbelievable timing.
Speaking of which, we're watching the forecast for a Nor'easter storm rolling in tonight that's supposed to bring 7-10 inches of snow by the end of the day tomorrow. That's right. Snow. Heavy, wet snow. In April. Possible white-out conditions. Right on our due date.
Oh, and when I called our doula in the middle of the night to let her know labor might be starting, her husband answered the phone and asked if I could wait a minute because she was on the other line. Turns out another client had called just moments earlier because her water broke. This other mom's not due until Sunday and we knew there was a slim chance our doula would have a conflict so there are back-up plans in place. It's not a big deal. Still, what are the chances? And now it sounds like her labor is progressing just as slowly as ours. I think both babies are waiting for the middle of the night, in a snow storm, to be born.
On that note, I'm going to go walk some more. It's time to get this process moving!

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