Another night, another false alarm. This one was really convincing -- contractions as close as 5 min apart, fairly strong for a couple hours. We had the snow brushed off the car, waiting just a couple more contractions to call the midwives. And again, close to dawn the contractions got a little farther apart, a little weaker and I decided to try to get a little more sleep. By the time I woke up an hour later they're gone. Now they're happening at completely irregular intervals, sometimes a half hour or more in between.
Poor doula. This is the third time this week we've called her in the middle of the night. She says this happens sometimes, labor starts at night and stops in the morning for several nights in a row before the baby is finally born. Great. At least her other mom had her baby yesterday (hooray!!!), so that's not an issue anymore.
So our April Fools Day is off to a perfect start. And of course there's this:
So the waiting continues. Molly ate some real food this morning, so at least that's promising.
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