Monday, March 28, 2011

Drawing desk

Molly thinks the baby is coming on her due date. I think she might be right. I'm just glad it's Monday so we have some activities to distract us.

Here's what Molly did this weekend -- she produced stacks and stacks of drawings at a "drawing desk" she set up in the living room (basically just a little wooden chair to use for a hard surface).
Most of the drawings are scribbles or coloring in my line drawings, but these two are keepers.

Molly says this one is the circus. The thing in the middle is a trapeze. See all their arms hanging on? The red guy in the top left is a baby, she says. The guy underneath has a belly button. The guy on the right had a triangle in his hand but he dropped (you can see the triangle in both states).

And here is a family portrait. I'm pretty sure this is the first time she's written "Daddy."

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