Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Goofing around

What better way to recover from a busy Easter weekend than by going on a field trip to Drumlin Farm with the neighbors? It was beautiful last week so we spent a morning visiting the new lambs. Neither kid was very interested in the animals this time. Teddy wanted to dig in the garden, play the wooden egg game in the chicken building, play with the saddles and do all that sort of stuff. Molly just wanted to sip her sippy and twirl her hair. She did perk up a little to chase a chicken around the garden.

Mostly she just watched from the stroller.

Not much different from our trip to Drumlin Farm last year.

Speaking of last year, I took this video the other day because Molly was following me around the house and singing the words to this book, which happened to be the same book she was "singing" to last year.

This was our excitement over the weekend. We got Molly a tricycle! Not bad for a beginner, right? She looks like such a big girl in that helmet!

And speaking of comparisons and getting big, this morning we were sorting out old clothes for a rummage sale and Molly insisted on trying on her baby clothes. She just learned to put on jackets and zip-up shirts by flipping them over her head, so she was extra excited to try this one on. It's size 3 months.

She tried to put on sleeper, the kind with just a sack at the bottom instead of legs, and got pretty frustrated curling up in a ball and contorting her body trying to fit in. I wish I had the camera for that.

This is from the day we got her boxes of summer clothes down from last year and discovered that most of it still fits. Yay! She went through a brief but intense summer dress phase for a day or two.

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