Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Please don't laugh

I just got back from the doctor. It turns out when I jammed my middle finger on a Frisbee at Easter brunch I broke a bone in my fingertip. That's right. I broke my finger playing Frisbee.

It's actually not a big deal. The doctor gave me a little plastic splint to wear on my fingertip for three weeks, which I can take off whenever I need to.

The worst part was getting laughed at by my doctor, the nurses, the receptionist and random strangers in the waiting room. It was an intense Frisbee game, OK? No, it was not Ultimate Frisbee. No, my team didn't win. Yes, the game has the word "jam" in the title.

When I got the x-ray, the tech told me at one point to hold my finger up in the gesture I should make at everybody for making fun of me. I could show anybody else that gesture, if they'd like to see it.


AnnaPK said...

I hope it feels better soon! I will give Kim a hard time for making you play. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no!!! The first "Jam" injury of the season! Perhaps we can strap thimbles to each digit and wrap your hands in gloves for the rematch...maybe it will help improve your pitiable skills! hehehe....that's right, I'm calling you out. I can sense the finger gesture being sent my way. Hope you feel better!! --Kim

Tessa said...

Hope the finger is feeling better!