On Sunday, Anna and David and Lucy hosted a party at their house. Molly slept on her grandpa for an hour and a half.

Monday we went to the diner for breakfast, then visited Molly's great uncle Bob while he was waiting for platelets. Molly had her first tiny "hair cut" to contribute to his amulet. Lucy and the rest of us contributed, too.
Molly spent plenty of time both days snuggling her grandmothers, her aunt and uncle, her great grandparents and her great aunts. She also played with cousin Lucy. It was the first time that Molly seemed to notice her cousin, or any other little kid for that matter. They're going to have so much fun together when they get older!
I updated photos on Shutterfly, if you want to see more. Go to mollyk1207.shutterfly.com or click the link in the bar on the right. The pictures from the trip are in the "Molly at 3 months" album. I also added an album of photos from when she was 2 months old, including many photos that have been posted on the blog.
Phew! That's done!
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