She slept very well last night.
For the past few days Molly has been practicing the motions of rolling from her back to her side. It's just a matter of time before she rolls over. It's exciting, but I'm not ready to have a mobile baby. It's so nice to be able to put her down on a blanket on the floor in any room and know she'll stay.
She also spends a lot of time chewing on fingers, hers and anybody else's she can get in her mouth. She sometimes gets toys in there, too, but she's not very good yet at figuring out how to get an object in there without her fist getting in the way.
We're hearing her little laugh more often now, too, and it's funny to see what makes her laugh. She laughs in her car seat, both in the back seat of the car by herself and looking out the side of the stroller when we walk around the neighborhood. She laughs at her reflection in the mirror. And when I take her into the bathroom with me, she thinks the sound is really funny.
One of her more interesting new skills is the ability to grab hair and pinch skin. She has a strong grip. She likes to pinch the skin on her Daddy's neck. She also pinches sometimes while she's nursing -- ouch!
She's also getting more squirmy when she sits on my lap. She lifts her head high, rolls onto her back and scooches off to the side. Soon my little girl will be moving around!! Yikes!!
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