Friday, March 21, 2008


For those who haven't heard already, Jim and I have both been knocked out by a stomach bug. Jim was up all night with it Tuesday and I was up all night last night. This morning we had to call off our plans to go to visit family for Easter.

We're waiting to see if Molly gets it too, which would be horrible. It's already bad enough trying to take care of her, as the two of us wander around here like zombies. I've been able to nurse her through all this, but it's been hard. Fortunately the worst of it hit me over night while she was sleeping. Today I just have chills and muscle aches and mild nausea. Still, changing a diaper on an uneasy stomach is rough.

I've nursed Molly through a cold before, but this was the first time I felt absolutely incapacitated and unable to take care of her. If Jim wasn't so good about taking over, I think I would have really freaked out. She's a good baby, though, and seems oblivious. Thank goodness!!


AnnaPK said...

We are so sad you are sick and couldn't come!!!!!!! We are missing you and hooping Molly doesn't get sick!

Tessa said...

Keep nursing!!! She's getting your antibodies and may not even get sick. If she does, it will probably be much less than you and Jim. Nursing is a wonderful thing :)

neenie said...

We were so disappointed that you weren't with us over Easter. Hope you are both better and that Molly doesn't get it. Her Grandpa gathered eggs for her on our annual hunt. Love, Aunt Grace