Thursday, March 6, 2008

Good-bye, chocolate

So I've been living on PB&J for a week, hoping to discover which, if any, of the foods I eat bother Molly's tummy. The idea is to eliminate everything at once, then reintroduce things one at a time and see what happens.

The first thing I reintroduced was chocolate. I ate one dark chocolate candy bar. Molly promptly produced two green poopy diapers within 12 hours (forgive me, non-parents -- it's hard to talk about a baby without talking about poop). So it looks like I'm going to be off chocolate for a while.

I waited two days to make sure her digestive system was really back to normal, then this afternoon I reintroduced dairy (i.e. vanilla ice cream, skim milk and cheese). Fingers crossed!


Tessa said...

Look on the bright side, chocolate isn't good for the post-baby weight loss anyway :)

AnnaPK said...

There were a couple of things I couldn't eat at the begining, but i waited a couple of months and tried them again and everything was fine. Babies digestive sysstems mature pretty quickly, luckily for us nursing moms! To make up for no chocolate I think you should console yourself with a huge piece of vanilla cake with lots of frosting! :)