Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Big night

Molly spent the night in her own bedroom last night for the first time.

We didn't have any specific plans to move her out of the bassinet in our room, but it just seemed like the right time. She's been sleeping so well lately, and all of a sudden it seemed like our presence in the room was making it harder for her to sleep, rather than easier. The creak of our bathroom door or the puff of air from me pulling up the covers over would rouse her.

She slept great last night in her crib -- 1o hours -- and woke up with a smile, as usual. I was the one who was opening my eyes every few hours all night to check the clock and listen for noises across the hall. It was the first night of her life that she was out of arm's reach. At least she didn't go very far. I can see her crib from our bed. :)


Anonymous said...

Yay Molly!! They grow too quick don't they? I had a terrible time letting go for Emily to go to her own room... I'm so glad everything is going so well!!! HUGS to you all!

AnnaPK said...

Congratualtions! I hope you realize how great you have it! ;)