It's very hard for me to put her down, too, because she's such a silly little critter when she's awake.
(There she is playing with her new knit rabbit that came all the way from Holland -- Thanks Ome Luutsen and Tante Annie!)
Every day she seems a little closer to grabbing things and bringing them to her mouth. She grabs my shirt when I change her, the blanket that covers her in her car seat, and the toys that hang down from her play gym.
She's getting very strong, too. She can stand up with just me holding her hands for balance. She's more comfortable now sitting my lap than snuggled up by my shoulder. Her hair is losing its puppy fuzz texture as new hair grows in (lighter and more red, we think). She seems eager to move herself around the room and frustrated that she can't. She's also finally looking at her hands all the time, and lately she's been pretty good about entertaining herself while I do other things nearby (which is important because without naps, I have no time to get anything done!)
It's also cute that her cuddles have gotten more intentional. She doesn't sleep on my shoulder anymore, but when she's tired now sometimes she tucks her head under my chin and snuggles against me. Hee hee. That's pretty nice.
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