They had long conversations. They played on the floor. Grandma changed diapers and she took turns in the endless process of soothing Molly to sleep.
She also pointed out that Molly's clothes are too small again. Molly's 3-month sleepers don't quite allow her to fully stretch her legs anymore. Yikes! And of course we realized this at the worst possible moment -- Molly had just thrown up all over herself (for no apparent reason) and when we stripped off her wet clothes and couldn't find anything clean that fit.
In other developments, Molly has recently started drooling. She also can blow bubbles on her lips and we think she might have blown her first raspberry this weekend.
Also, she's been spitting up a little more than usual. For the first time I had to get out some bibs to put on over her clothes to cut down on wardrobe changes.
Molly's doctor told me we need to focus on tummy time now so we've been doing more of that, too. She doesn't mind being on her belly, at least for the first few minutes, and she's pretty good at pushing up on her arms.
We should be at our Monday morning play group right now, but Molly's doctor strongly encouraged me to skip it for a little while, at least until she's older and flu season is over. His own baby is a week older than Molly and just had to be hospitalized for an RSV infection that he caught at a play group. So we're sad, but secretly I don't mind staying home this morning. Last week was super busy. This week we have nothing scheduled and it feels nice. Maybe we'll both catch up on some sleep.
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