Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I think I'm coming out of the first trimester fog a little bit. Yay!!

I had enough energy yesterday to go to my regular step aerobics class after work. I haven't gone in at least four weeks, probably more like six. It's hard to even remember why I didn't go. I think I was just way too sleepy and the idea of jostling the baby around seemed icky.

It felt so good to be back, though. I kept everything really low so my heart rate wouldn't get too high and nothing would shake around too much. I want to do as much as I can now because in a few weeks I'm not supposed to lie on my belly or my back. That's going to be a bummer for yoga, not to mention the majority of ab exercises.

Two days until the next midwife appointment. I can't wait. I hope I get to hear the baby's heart beat again.

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