We've discovered a trick to settle her down when she's crying, too -- a front carrier. That's something Molly never really liked. Kate loves it! She fusses sometimes for a minute or two when you put her in but then almost always falls asleep. It's like magic. We've been taking a walk around the neighborhood with Kate in the carrier every afternoon this week, which is fun for Molly, too. We tend to see her friends on the walk and bring them with us to play in our yard. Yesterday we had five kids back there, all playing nicely together.
The carrier also lets us get work done. Jim wore it for a while on Easter morning while we all worked in the garden.
She likes this one, too.
Look, isn't she getting strong? And big, too!
The kids and I just had fun looking through your pictures. Eve kept asking "Is that one a doll?" when looking at pictures of Kate :)
I love the belly pack. The picture of you is so beautiful. I LOVED my Ergo carrier, which I got when Lex was about one. I was never very good with the wraps though. It looks like you've got a good one.
See you soon, I hope! :)
I am missing so much!!! :( I LOVED the baby sling!!! I carried Freddy everywhere in it. I didn't have it when Lucy was a baby but since it can be used as a hip sling too I occasionaly carried her in it. I even hiked Freddy up a mountain (albiet a small mountain) in the sling. I can't wait to use it again!
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