So I'm the latest victim of the virus. Molly's doing better than I am. I was a mess today because I was up last night sipping tea and moaning, while she was sleeping a little better than the night before.
She was surprisingly full of energy today and generally happy, except when I came at her with a tissue. This is the first cold she's had since she's old enough to put up a fight. As I was lying around moaning this afternoon, I came up with a list of the top five objects Molly would rather wipe her nose on than a tissue, but it's just too gross to share.
Taking care of a baby when I'm sick remains one of the hardest tests of endurance I've ever faced in my life. My respect for all the women and men who have raised children throughout the world only deepens with each passing day.
Here's a silly shot from today.
Here's a photo from the other day when Molly was climbing in the cabinets as I was typing. She pinched her finger in the hinge side of a cabinet the other day, so I'm less enthusiastic about cabinet exploring now.
I love the foot in the pot :)
I agree with Tessa. It is a very interesting selection of footwear. It'll work great in the rain or snow, or when mommy or DADDY (hint, hint) mops the floor.
Don't you agree?
Love to you all, Don and Lynn
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