We just got back from her check-up this afternoon. Everything went great. The doctor noted that Molly hasn't grown much in the past few months. I noticed that, I guess, but I didn't realize quite how little she has grown.
I just entered her stats into the Baby Center calculator and she's now at 25th percentile for length (about 27 inches), 25th to 50th for weight (the med. assistant got 18 lbs, 13 oz. -- I weighed her this morning at 19.4lbs, which is 50th to 75th percentile) and 25th percentile for head circumference (17 inches). No wonder her spring clothes still fit! It's strange to go from thinking of Molly as an unusually large baby to thinking of her as little.
The doctor asked me a lot of questions about what she's eating, then basically came to the conclusion that he's not worried. He said she'll probably have a growth spurt in the next month or two. I just hope she doesn't outgrow all the new PJs I bought. (sigh).
In honor of her 9-month birthday, here's a photo her daddy shot last night of Molly engaging in one of her favorite new activities.
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