So lets see. We had a fabulous weekend with our two special visitors, Molly's Oma and great-grandma. Molly had so much fun playing with them.
After sitting in the middle of the living room with her tongue hanging out for a few minutes, Molly loosened up and jumped right in the middle of the commotion. She snuggled up with one of my neighbors, who she's only met a few times before -- I think it was her long brown hair. She tried to take the glasses off one of the toddles and put her fingers in his mouth while he was drinking his bottle. She banged balls and blocks with the older kids. She seemed lost in the afternoon when the house was quiet again.
She's got some funny new quirks that I'm trying to catch on video. Now that she knows how to use her push toy, she likes to make all kinds of things into push toys. She kneels and pushes over-turned pots around with her hands. Last night she walked across the kitchen floor pushing a tall plastic mailbox toy. Today she even tried to push her big piano toy across the room.
She has also started shaking her head "no." She just does it out of the blue for no apparent reason. It's funny when it seems like she means it, though, like the time she was playing with the mesh walls of her Pack N' Play (which she's still using instead of a crib -- grr!!!) and I asked her if she was sleepy and wanted to take a nap. She shook her head.