We had a sweaty weekend in our house. It's no fun to breastfeed a baby when it's so hot and muggy that it's unpleasant to touch another person. It made both of us irritable.
I'm so glad she's beyond the newborn phase when she used to stay latched on for a half hour or more at every feeding. At least now it's relatively short.
Our big break from the heat was Saturday when we went to the dojo for a kick-a-thon to raise money for the earthquake victims in China. Here's Molly helping her daddy kick.
She had a great time playing on the padded floors. Mommy had a good time eating cake and cookies in the air conditioned dojo.
Molly's new trick is to hold herself up on her hands and toes, as if she's about to do a push-up. She's also learning to pull herself up to (almost) standing using whatever's in front of her. She almost launched herself onto her face this morning at play group trying to stand herself up on an alligator piano. Silly baby.
That's how my first few weeks with Lex were!! And he was a mad-dog at the boob! Sometimes I'm amazed our nursing survived those first few weeks! You guys need a nice window unit AC to put right next to the big chair.
I love the push up stage! They look so cute doing it. Get us a video or a pic!!!
p.s. i am so glad i am not nursing in this heat! The only thing worse than nursing in the heat is nursing when you are sick, and you survived that. But i think Tessa is right, AC!!! :)
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