Monday, July 30, 2007

Additional Fetal Name Conditions

Having discussed this a bit amongst ourselves, we feel the name should be something pretty bizarre. Otherwise, we're worried it will stick and we won't be able to change it when she's born.


Unknown said...

how about either tinkerbell or pippi?

AnnaPK said...

How about Pinky, or The Brain? Or, you know Olive is a good name. ;)

neenie said...

Was going to suggest "Olive" as it worked well for Luncy, but see Ann PK has already thought of that. How about "Minnie"?

Tessa said...

I have no suggestions (sorry!) but I would add that it should be something personal and probably with some meaning or reason. We ended up with "zig" because of some silly conversation that we were having one night that made both of us laugh hysterically. I don't even remember the details, but the name stuck. Not past birth, thankfully!

"Bean" is a pretty common one and a woman I know called hers "Alien" and "Alien II" Not very sweet in my mind, but they liked it :)