Thursday, July 5, 2007

16 weeks

The baby's at 16 weeks now, which is the size of an avocado -- a vivid image because I just held an avocado in my hand this past weekend for making guacamole. Mmmm, yummy baby.
The baby has started growing toenails and is generally looking more like a baby -- at least in the drawings -- and less like a seahorse. So cute!

Meanwhile, I've noticed the hormones haven't slowed down since I entered my second trimester. I was in a rare, confrontational mood at work today. I'm going to have to tell my co-workers about the baby soon before they do an intervention. I'm putting on weight, wearing frumpy clothes (even more so than usual) and hissing nasty comments behind people's backs. I'm not sure what they think.

I like my hormone-induced anger, though. Once in a while it's good to go totally insane. (Booah-ha-ha-ha!!!)

1 comment:

Tessa said...

I like your baby/food comparisons :) Puts it in an interesting perspective. And gotta love the hormones... seriously 'cause they stick around for awhile!