Thursday, June 23, 2011

mini golf

Jim took the day off yesterday, originally so we could take the girls to the zoo. In discussing this plan with Molly, though, we realized that she's really not into the zoo. Instead she talked us into trying mini golf, which she's never done before. A trip to Kimball's 10 minutes down the road rather than a long drive and an all-day excursion to the zoo? Sold!

I think Molly enjoyed herself...

Around the 9th hole Kate got fussy in the stroller so I put her in a carrier. She continued to cry so, out of desperation, I figured out how to nurse her while in the carrier!!! I've been wanting to try that forever but it just seemed impossible. It's not!!! I don't even think I flashed anybody -- at least not after I got a hat on her head to cover us both up.

Right around this time Molly stopped wanting to take her turn and said she wanted to watch Daddy play instead. After a hole or two Jim realized he was the only one playing so we asked Molly if she was ready to quit and go get ice cream. YES!!!

Molly wanted to go to the local pond beach in the afternoon but that plan was rained out. Instead she asked if she could play outside in the rain. Why not?

Meanwhile Kate hung out inside.

Kate is all about hands these days -- looking at her hands, touching her hands together, pulling her shirt up into her mouth, sneaking her hands into places, grabbing my shirt, grabbing Daddy's hair. She'll be 12 weeks old on Saturday, which is the end of the "fourth trimester" and it's so exciting. She's just starting to become a little personality in our family.

Two nights ago we moved her out of the Pack N Play in our bedroom into the crib in her own room. She still wakes up every night around midnight and again around 3 a.m. ... and again around 5 a.m., when I bring her into our bed and try to nurse and cuddle her back to sleep until at least 6:30 a.m. when Molly's allowed to get up. But I can hear her well enough across the hall that it's not a problem. I think she's sleeping much better on a real mattress and in the same place where she naps. I know we're sleeping better without all her snorting and grunting. :)

1 comment:

Tessa said...

It looks much, much calmer at Kimball's then when we went a few weeks ago. I want to go back again during the week. Maybe the kids and I will come down one day... :)