It's funny to think that just a couple weeks ago I was worried about her talking. Some web site said that an typical 18-month-old can say six words, and I was counting up her words to see if she would make it (she had Mommy, Daddy, bye-bye, click, poop and "chssss" for cheese -- an odd selection of first words, don't you think?) Obviously something clicked in her brain because she's picking up new words every day and I can't begin to count them all. Yesterday she started saying work (as in "Daddy's going to work"), walk (as in "Put me down, I want to walk") and ant (she likes to point them out outside whenever she sees them). She's saying "ant" now because I just drew one for her on a piece of scrap paper. She just walked across the room and picked up a little wind-up bee and brought it back, saying "ant." Not quite but close.
Oh, and she's learned to say her own name. She can't pronounce the L's and I thought she was just saying Mommy, but then I realized it sounds just like how Lucy used to say it: MY-eee. Very cute. (Of course, I'm feeling a little bad that we gave her a name that's too hard to say. Who knew!)
We've been having lots of fun these past few days. Saturday we went out for barbecue and Molly fell asleep in the car on the way. We debated getting take-out and scarfing it down in the front seat, but on a whim I decided to try to move the sleeping girl into a stroller and go in and sit down. She stayed asleep! We got to eat slowly, just like in the newborn days. Weird. I thought she would be cranky when she woke up but instead, when we were just about finished eating, she opened her eyes wide, smiled and started bopping to the music blasting from a speaker over her head. We tossed her into the booth and she ate her weight in pulled pork and sweet potatoes.
It was such a nice day that we decided to go off in search of the Leominster State Forest. We found it and went for an impromtu walk in the woods. I wish I had photos but I have been forgetting the camera a lot lately.
Sunday night we had a yummy dinner with Lex, Eve and family. (See cute photos here).
Yesterday I had Molly back in the woods, this time at the New England Wildflower Society's native plant demonstration garden called Garden in the Woods. It was really a trip for me, but she was cooperative and generally entertained. I enjoyed the dragonflies and damselflies at the lily pond, the "invasive plant jail" and learning the names of things I thought were weeds in my yard. Molly was really into the drinking fountain by the bathrooms.
I have no pictures from any of these adventures, but I can't post without at least one photo so here
Yay for lots of new words!!! I told you not to worry ;o) GO MOLLY!
Now you really really have to watch what you say, trust me! Lucy was running around here the other day saying "where are my freaking shoes?" oops, good thing I only said freaking! :)
I miss her tons and can't wait to hear all she has to say!
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