Thursday, May 21, 2009

Planting time

The weather has been perfect these past few days. We got out in the garden yesterday and started planting our seedlings.

Sometimes I think I need 10 arms just to keep up with Molly in the garden, to stop her from pulling out plants, stomping in the garden beds, scooping soil out of the beds in to the paths, dumping seed packets and causing general mayhem.

She's been great this week, though. She helped me plant green beans, moved mulch around, brought me seedlings and told me where to put them, carried the notebook around and generally put her energy into helpful tasks.

It's so much fun to have a little helper with me all the time (even when she's not so helpful). The other day Molly fell asleep on the way to the grocery store so Jim stayed in the car with her while I shopped. I thought it would make the shopping faster, but it was just kind of boring. I missed my little companion.

1 comment:

Tessa said...

I love it! I had big garden plans, but only managed to get a few things in the ground. It's tough with little ones, but definitely more fun!

We'll miss you this weekend!! Have fun with the family though.