We had a visit from my mom and brother last weekend. Molly was a complete goofball, as usual.
In these pictures you see one of Molly's favorite new toys -- her bead necklaces. Last Thursday we were both in a good mood and Molly's nap schedule happened to work so that we could go grocery shopping early in the morning. Things were going so well that I didn't want to go home so instead I took the cash from a scratch ticket (thanks, Grandpa!) and the two of us headed to the mall. We got lunch at Panera, where Molly stared straight-faced at strangers the entire time, then we went to Claire's to buy barrettes. She picked out a princess wand and a pack of beaded necklaces, too, and the necklaces were an instant hit. She's so obsessed with putting them on and wearing them around that the only way I can get her to take a break is to hide them. She wants to wear them constantly!!
Molly is on a helping kick lately. Ever since Tessa showed us the sign for "help," Molly has been using it a lot (tapping her fist into her open palm). The fun thing is that now she uses it to mean not only "help me," but also "let me help you." She makes the sign whenever I sweep the kitchen floor (several times a day, ugh!) and I let her carry the dust pan and then set it down by the pile of dirt. When I take the dust pan to the trash, she pushes the broom around the kitchen for a while, then brings it over to me at the closet to be put away.
Then yesterday I found a puddle of water on the living room carpet where her sippy cup spilled. I grabbed a dish towel off the counter and went over to soak it up. Molly saw what I was doing and, completely on her own, went over to the cupboard under the sink where I keep the clean dish towels, grabbed two towels and brought them over to me. I tried to show her how to pat the water spot but she wanted to rub the carpet where it was dry. Whatever. It was cool anyway.
She did it again this morning, unprompted, when I was cleaning up a big kitchen spill. It was quite helpful to have a dry towel to clean up after my wet cloth. Unfortunately, Molly walked over the wet floor to bring it to me and slipped banana peel-style flat on her back. Ooops.
One more story. Today around 4:30 Molly looked over at me from the kitchen chair she had climbed onto and made a sign that looked like "bath" (rubbing her face with her hands -- not much different from about 5 other signs). I wasn't sure if she meant it, but I followed her down the hall to see what she wanted. She went into her bedroom, opened the bottom dresser drawer, pulled out a couple diapers, then went out into the hallway and banged on the bathroom door. She really did mean bath!! Our bathtime routine starts with going into the bedroom and get a clean diaper and her PJs. I opened the bathroom door for her and she went right to the tub, pushed back the shower curtain and pointed at the faucet with her "eh, eh" sound that means "do it." It was just one of the many little moments when you realize how much this little creature is paying attention to the things around her and remembering things. The other day she made the sign for "turtle" and picked up the turtle in her wooden puzzle. I showed her the sign for turtle maybe once or twice and it must have been weeks ago. How did she remember that?
OK, time for more Battlestar. Here's one last picture. I got out Molly's Tinkerbell wings (thanks, Mema!) for the first time and then followed her around with the camera because they made her so silly.