This new skill seems to have only heightened her interest in pick up crud off the floor, however, and now she can chew up little bits of fuzz or paper and swallow them if I don't catch her first. I've had to sweep my finger in her mouth a few times to fish out stuff. The worst is when I just see her chewing and I can't find anything in there. She ate a Cheerio off the floor at Bertucci's Saturday because I wasn't quick enough to stop her.
Here she is at a rest stop last week eating her sleeve. (That's the closest I've got to a picture of her eating weird stuff. Usually I'm too busy chasing her to snap a photo).
This too shall pass, mostly. :) It is so exciting when they start feeding themselves because you can eat at the same time, you don't have to feed them their meal while yours gets cold!
I am very excited for you that you can eat chocolate again!
What, Cheerio off the floor at Bertucci's is bad???
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