Molly's had a little practice. We took her to Vermont Saturday to visit her "kinda cousins," Lex and Eve, and she slept through the entire 2-hour drive each way.
We also had our first Mommy-daughter adventure out of the house without Daddy Sunday, a trip to the grocery store. Molly did pretty well. She didn't want to be in her car seat, so I carried her in my arms around the store (while pushing a top-heavy cart with one hand). She has recently started noticing things around her, and she was mesmerized by everything, which was nice because so many strangers wanted to get a look at her. I had to put her back in the car seat to check out and she protested. I settled her down and all was well until the very end, when she started shrieking. It was the kind of crying that makes people squirm and offer suggestions, like "why don't you try rolling the cart back and forth?" Thanks, yes, I tried that. We booked it out of there and made it home without incident.
This week has also been a good one for Daddy-daughter bonding. Molly took a bottle of pumped milk from him last night, with much less fuss than the first time. He's also gotten good at soothing her with pacifiers.
Here they are listening to Bach and enjoying some great literature. I believe it was Christopher Moore's latest novel ... something about vampires that sounded vaguely inappropriate. :)
This is them waltzing to some new music Daddy downloaded, Tin Hat Trio.
We'll see everybody soon!!
I can't wait to see you little cousin!!!!!!!!!
Rochester, huh? It's too bad we're still 2.5 hrs from there. It seemed so close in my head until I looked it up. Alas, maybe when the kids are older we can take a trip up there.
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