Jim suggested the car, but the store's restroom was right there and it seemed easier. I ducked in there and unstrapped her from her car seat. Holding her didn't settle her down -- she was screaming and it felt like the whole store could hear her -- so I sat on the toilet fully clothed (yuck!) and nursed her. That didn't soothe her for long, so I changed her diaper on the handy diaper changing station. She screamed all the way through the diaper change, which she never does at home. I don't know what got into her! It was scary that Jim couldn't come in and help soothe her because it was a lady's room.
Once she was in a clean diaper and snapped up she settled down a little, but she was still fussy. I went back into the handicap stall with the stroller and sat down for a longer feeding. Three women came in and used the stall next to us as we were sitting there. It was really awkward and yucky, not to mention uncomfortable -- but we did it!
Afterward she was calm, but she screamed bloody murder when I tried to put her back in the car seat. So I just carried her in my arms. I'm especially proud that rather than bolt out of the store, I went to the pharmacy and picked up my prescription, which was finally ready. Molly fussed a little in my arms, but I just "sssshhhhed" in her ear to keep her somewhat calm -- no big deal.
The other exciting news is that Oma and Grandpa came to visit this weekend. Molly got lots of snuggle time, and her mommy got lots of sleep. What a wonderful weekend!
1 comment:
Julie and Jim, It is possible that Molly could sense Julie's discomfort in the lady's room (as all children & animals can), and then on the changing table she may have felt the cold plastic through her clothes. The good news is not to worry all is normal. What's really cute is her playing with her new found, attached toys which we call hands. I love to watch all children as they discover their world.
Love, Don & Lynn
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