Monday, October 1, 2007

Third trimester

We hit the 28-week mark Thursday, meaning we're into the long, final stretch.

Sometime around the middle of last week my female coworkers told me that I finally, officially look really pregnant. It's not just the shirts anymore. I was biting into an apple when one of them wanted to know what I'd been eating this week that caused me to pop out so suddenly. I told them it doesn't feel sudden to me.

The baby's still very active, although her movements often feel slower and longer, like she's rolling around rather than just kicking. She tends to get really crazy in the middle of the night. During the day she's more gentle and I've gotten so used to it I that sometimes I realize she's moving and I'm not even paying attention. It's strange to think that in a few months I won't have a creature in my belly anymore.

I had a chat with my neighbor when I was out mowing the lawn yesterday. She said the moms in the neighborhood have a play group every Monday morning and I'm invited to come. Yay!!! Maybe I will be welcomed into the local mom tribe after all! Apparently there were four babies born around March/April this year in our neighborhood, plus a few born last fall, so Tinkerbell's going to have quite a gang of neighborhood kids to play with. The woman across the street is due in October, we think, and I'm sure there are others out there that we don't know about yet. What fun!


Tessa said...

Yay! I knew there must be some mommy/baby stuff to do around there. One thing usually leads to another, so I'm sure you'll be plenty busy.

AnnaPK said...

How lucky to find a play group so close by! I am looking for one. The closest one I have seen advertised is in Henrietta so I don't know if I will go. Although, with every month that goes by Lucy is keeping me busier and busier!

We had a good time this weekend! Thanks for having us!