Yes, OK. It's weird.
At my appointment yesterday, the midwife felt my belly and discovered that the baby happened to be sitting vertically with her head under my ribs and her butt in my pelvis. This is the opposite of where we want her in nine weeks when she's due.
It's early, so this is not a problem. In fact, I think the alien spends most of her time lying horizontally or flipping all over the place. She's still got plenty of room to move around and it's not nearly time for her to settle head-down yet.
Still, the midwife said that if I want to try to get her in the head-down position, it doesn't hurt to lie on an incline with my hips about a foot higher than my shoulders for ten minutes at a time. And also she said I could try putting headphones on my belly and playing music in the spot where I want the baby's head to go -- aka, in my pants.
I've read that there is some evidence that the inclined position worked. The music? That just sounded silly.
But even silly ideas deserve a try, right? I made a lullaby mix for Tinkerbell already and I just happened to put it on my iPod today. So I figured, if I was going to lie on an incline for a while anyway, might as well play some tunes for the baby.
I don't know if she liked it, or if she could even hear it, but she rolled around for a while. Whether any of this will flip her, I have no idea. But even if it doesn't, maybe she'll get to know the lullaby mix so I can play it after she's born and it will calm her. Maybe. Maybe it's just a way to make pregnant women feel like they have something to do so the anticipation of the last few months doesn't drive them nuts!