Sunday, April 7, 2013

Crazy week ... the 5-minute version

So, the walk-through of our house Tuesday night was so exciting that it was hard to sleep. Molly snuggled in bed with us Wednesday morning and Jim asked her if she wanted pancakes for breakfast. Closing day seemed to be off to a great start. Until Molly climbed out of bed and threw up on the shag rug in our bedroom.

It brought back fond memories of two years ago, when she was violently ill with a stomach bug when her baby sister was born.

We powered through, left my mom with a sick Molly (just like 2 years ago, sigh) and went to the closing. Molly was so upset when we left for the walk-through that for the closing we told her that we were just going out to buy saltines.

She drew this oddly perky picture to illustrate her dual cold/stomach bug -- I believe that's a box of tissues in one hand and a trash can next to her while she's throwing up.

Closing was quick and easy. We gave them a huge check, they gave us a key. We had plenty of time to stop for saltines.

Fortunately Molly recovered quickly. We started right away moving stuff over -- this was not hard, considering the old and new houses are within easy walking distance. Molly helped.

Fast forward two months a couple days. After much marching up and down attic stairs carrying boxes (and thanks to the endless generosity of our parents who were here in shifts every day this week) we had enough stuff moved by Friday to sleep in the new house.

Today we pushed the boxes aside and tried to remember that the kids still exist. Poor Kate got so little time to bask in her birthday glory. It felt good to have a little party and think about something other than the move for a few hours.

Kate fell asleep at 4 p.m., for the second night in a row. I was holding her in the kitchen after the party and, just like last night, she laid her head on my shoulder and zonked out. Both girls have been sleeping surprisingly well for being in a new place and in bedrooms half full of boxes. I guess the trick is to exhaust them beyond imagination every day.

Speaking of exhaustion, it's time to go to bed!

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