Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2-year-old girl

Happy birthday Kate!

We started the day with snuggles in bed and the story of how she was born. She seemed to be paying attention, but when I got to the part where I hugged the midwife Kate busted in with, "Henry try hug me, I run away." I continued with the story, but that's all she wanted to talk about. :)

Next we went downstairs and opened presents bright and early before Jim went to work.

One of Kate's gifts was her very own set of dry-erase markers, so later in the morning we got out the easel to play with them.

It turned out to be such an exciting morning that our snuggle bug fell asleep on me just before lunch.

We happened to be meeting friends at the library after lunch, and we might have missed it if they didn't call to ask where we were (I may have taken a little nap, too). Kate woke up just in time to hop in the car and dash over.

The library was a good break in the day, after a morning of more than the usual amount of conflict between sisters. We got home just in time to cook Kate's special birthday dinner -- hot dogs! Then cake (store bought this year, of course) and ice cream.

Jim and I ducked out quickly after dinner (thanks Mom!) to do the walk-through on our new house. Closing is tomorrow morning!!! The house looked great. The sellers put little notes on everything to tell us what switches go to what, etc. They even left us a binder with take-out menus, a huge stack of info about the house and a bottle of wine and chocolates. So sweet.

Kate was a little wired at bedtime after that. Molly crashed hard, but I think the nap gave Kate way too much extra energy.

We finally got her to bed around 8.

The funny thing is Kate really hit the 2-year-old emotional intensity about a month ago with a ridiculous tantrum in a parking lot where she wanted to be both held and to walk on her own at the same time. She started to have tantrums and refuse to let me comfort her. She has big ideas and can't make them happen. So today didn't really feel like a new year beginning, just confirmation of what we already know -- that Kate's 2!

Phew! We made it through Easter and the birthday day. Now all we need to do is buy a house and move into it. Not a busy week at all. :)


Tessa said...

Happy Birthday Kate!! Looks like it was a fun day.

Good luck on closing, and moving. You guys have made a long journey. You must be looking forward to its end.

AnnaPK said...

Lucy and I laughed and laughed about the hug from Henry part!
Congratulations on the new house!!!