Thursday, May 3, 2012

May Day, walking baby

Not much going on here, just routine.

Molly's school had a May Day celebration Tuesday on what was possibly the first gray, rainy day of the year. They moved most of the festivities indoors, including crafts.

We made a flower crown, which stayed on the children's heads for about 10 minutes. They were all really cute, though.

The only part they did outside was the May Pole -- the teachers sing pretty spring songs while the children walk in a circle and the ribbons wrap around a pole. A lot of spring frolicking, wouldn't you say?

Kate is a lot of fun lately.

She's growing more teeth. Until now she had just the top and bottom left front teeth. Now she's getting the right ones, top and bottom at the same time. Needless to say, she can bite now. Ouch!

Getting sick right after her birthday set her back on walking. Now she's back at it, though. Just in the past few days it seems she is walking around more instead of crawling. And having a good time, too.


Tessa said...

So cute!!! We miss you guys!

AnnaPK said...

Henry says "aah ee gga" which I think means 'way to go cousin! I can't wait to play with you again!'