This is what we did this morning.
I've been bugging the local food pantry for a while about giving me some volunteer work and they finally gave me a couple stories to write for the newsletter (tight deadline, sources that can't be reached ... ah, just like old times). In the process of interviewing a volunteer this week, it occurred to me that as a non-journalist I'm free to participate in the story so we accepted an invitation to go pick peaches for the pantry clients. These are peaches that the orchard isn't going to sell and they would otherwise go to waste.
Molly was a very good sport, even though she wanted to leave pretty much from the moment we got there. The other volunteers saved the day and somehow got her picking. At one point Molly sat down with peaches in her hands and refused to put them in my box. She told me she was helping "the lady" and would only put them in her box. I'm just glad she didn't seem to notice that we didn't bring home any fruit. :)
This is a drawing Molly made a few minutes ago of our family. That's me in blue on the bottom right, Daddy in green (looks like black) in the middle and Molly in pink in the upper left.
It's just in the last few days that she's been drawing family portraits. It looks random, but the drawings tend to have the same elements, the circles and the pair of vertical lines with horizontal cross lines.
As she was drawing this one tonight (I think it's just me and her, she told me she hasn't drawn Daddy on yet) she was talking about it, saying something like, "line them up together" as she drew the vertical lines, then "give a hug, ooh I like hugs" as she drew one horizontal line and then "ooh, a snuggle" as she draw the second. I thought that was cool.
She is such an adorable sweetheart. It never ceases to amaze me how young people's thought processes work. If we could talk to them, as you and Tessa do, we could come to really understand that they are so very far ahead of where we think they are. Oh well, what a sweetheart. :-)
Her drawings rock! Post lots of them!
I love the drawings! Did someone tell her the thing about lining them up and hugs? Or did she make that up? Kids are so awesome!
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