We couldn't wait. We opened presents as soon as Blueberry Moon told us it was time to get up.
Molly is now enjoying the special breakfast of her choice -- luke-warm herbal tea in a sippy cup and dry cheerios. She is putting colored chalk into her new oven, now hanging utensils on hooks, now standing there with the cup of cheerios and sippy looking at the stove, now saying "Mommy sing happy birthday," then "again," now putting her sippy in a pot on the stove and stirring with a 1/4 teaspoon, now putting the measuring spoon in her mouth, now hanging another utensil ... it goes on like this. I think she likes her kitchen.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLY!!!!! Hope you have a fun and wonderful Cheerio filled day!
And may I ask, to the parents, what kind of kitchen is that and where did you get it? I'm thinking of putting a nice wooden kitchen on Eve's birthday list (look at me thinking ahead!) and yours looks pretty nice :)
Happy Birthday Molly!! Your new kitchen looks beautiful! I hope you cook up lots of delicious treats in it!
The kitchen is from Ikea. It's great! I did a lot of shopping before I found one I like. Sadly, I don't think they ship it -- you have to go to the store. It's about an hour from our house, if you want to make the journey (or send us to make the journey for you -- the boxes aren't very big).
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