She is constantly talking about people she knows. We get a lot of "Rhys. Heidi. Monday." (We get together with our neighbor Heidi and her son Rhys most Mondays and Molly seems to be constantly thinking about it). Out of nowhere she'll say "ocean, Grandma" or "Bo-bo, Grandpa" or "Teddy, vacation." She talks about Lucy all the time. Today she's been saying "Eve." In one of her books says "you can have a party in your dreams tonight." The other day we read it before nap and I asked her if she was going to invite Oma and Grandpa to her party and Grandma, etc. She fell asleep listing names, almost as if she was sleep talking.
Speaking of naps, we've had a big leap forward in our nap routine. We are no longer nursing to sleep. Instead we read three books in bed, take some deep breaths, sing a few songs and then just lie there until she (usually we) fall asleep. That puts us down to nursing just two times a day, first thing in the morning and as part of the bedtime routine (not the last part, either -- she's usually awake when I put her in the crib). She doesn't even really seem to be thinking about milk at other times of the day, which is such a dramatic change from just a couple months ago. If she does ask now, I ask if she wants cow milk and usually she does. Phew!! She didn't even nurse at bedtime Tuesday because I was out getting my hair cut and she chose to rock with Daddy rather than wait for me to come home. We went 24 hours without nursing and she didn't even seem to notice.
And speaking of hair cuts, I got my hair completely chopped off and I'm not happy about it. I gave my hair dresser a picture of a messy chin-length bob and she gave me more of a shaggy, poofed hair helmet. I don't think the hair on the top of my head has ever been this short. Wah!!
So I've been wearing a lot of headbands. Molly thinks this is an exciting development. She really likes headbands.
1 comment:
We don't get a picture of your new hair-do, huh? I've been thinking really hard about cutting mine off and getting bangs. It's such a commitment though! Sorry your's didn't come out well. Another good reason to stay home for awhile :)
Molly is adorable. I love the diaper changing. Eve serves food and tea a lot. Today she started serving coffee to her baby dolls :) I love the imagination!
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