We're all aflutter over here because Molly has a new baby cousin, Frederick James. He was born yesterday afternoon. We can't wait to meet him!
It's been a wild week. Jim is at karate camp for a long weekend so Molly and I have been hanging out here by ourselves.
Our adventure began a few days ago when we went to Vermont to visit Lex and Eve. Molly took a bath with Eve (see photos
here). They played together very well for toddlers, peeling stickers off Eve's potty charts together, carrying around their dolls, and sitting on my lap together to read books. We had a blast.

Unfortunately, Molly seems to have brought a stomach bug with her to Vermont and infected her little friend. Major bummer. I spent all day today cleaning up messes and snuggling Molly, who apparently doesn't have it nearly as bad as Eve does. It's probably something she picked up at play group. That's such a breeding ground for germs. Yuck!
Speaking of illness, we almost didn't make it to play group this week (oh, how I wish we missed it!) because Tuesday morning I woke up with a frightening red rash all over my body. It turns out I'm allergic to penicillin and related antibiotics, which I had been taking for a week for my ear infection. Ugh!! The rash is gone now and I know never to take penicillin again.
Here are some other photos from the week:

Molly went through a phase a few days ago when she constantly asked for her crayons and pad of paper. Sometimes she colors. Sometimes she plays with the materials and tests the rules (color on the paper, not the floor, etc.). Sometimes she does weird things. That's why I like this photo. Lately I often look up to find her doing odd things, like stare off into space with her butt in the air.

This is Molly with her neighbor friend, caught in the act of some sort of weird hug. It was an odd moment because mostly they play side-by-side and ignore each other (a big improvement over pushing each other out of the way and trying to stay away from one another).

Silly play with Daddy. We sure are looking forward to his return home tomorrow.
It's not "karate camp." Secret ninja training maybe...
I love the butt in the air picture. She can touch and smell and taste those crayons and paper, maybe she's trying to hear them too.
Or maybe she's practicing some fancy ninja move for daddy :)
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