Also, she now only walks to the change table when I say "diaper,' she also carries her packaged up dirty diapers (holding my hand, it's so cute) out to the kitchen and drops them in the trash can. She will put my dirty socks in the hamper if I point to the socks and point to the hamper. The other day in the bath she carefully set a bath toy on the ledge where I always set it to drain. (I was amazed she even noticed where it goes!)
Here we are yesterday doing dishes together.
We had a rough day today. I think I got food poisoning from something that sat in our 50-degree fridge during the power outage -- not sure what, but I've been suffering. Jim worked from home so he could do things that turned my stomach, such as feeding the baby and changing diapers. I'm feeling better now though, in plenty of time to get ready for Molly's birthday tomorrow and feel all sentimental about snuggling my little baby on the last night before she's officially not a baby anymore. I think she's going to have a good time tomorrow.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Molly!!! Hope you are having a fun-filled day with your cousin. We'll see you soon.
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