Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Spicy baby

The other night at dinner Molly seemed to be begging for mustard so Jim put a tiny dab on his finger and let her taste it. We braced ourselves for a funny reaction but got nothing. She ate it and asked for more. I think this is what emboldened me the next day to let her try the spicy Indian beef that I was eating for lunch (homemade by Jim). She ate a little piece and wanted more. It was fabulous!! I gave her as much as I dared. She loved it. That made us so proud.

We're also excited about the way she has figured out how to make us do stuff for her. If you push a button on a toy and she tries to do the same thing and can't do it herself, she grabs your finger and puts it on the button. She's into small containers lately and often she can snap a container closed but can't open it, so she holds the closed container out to you or drops it in your lap to get you to open it for her. I could see this getting annoying down the road, but right now it's such a fun game!

Also, she's started doing things on purpose to make us laugh, or more accurately, to get us to continue laughing. I first noticed it the other night when we were reading "Touch and Feel Farm" together. She touched each textured spot with her fingers, as usual, until we got to the last page. Instead of touching the pig's spongy nose with her fingers, for some reason she leaned forward and oh so delicately touched it with her mouth. I laughed. She paused, then did the exact same motion again. I laughed at that. She paused, then leaned in for another lick. As long as I kept laughing, she kept licking.

Here she is in a more serious moment, sitting in the front window yesterday.

1 comment:

AnnaPK said...

Looks like she is waiting for oma and grandpa to show up! I hope you have fun with them today! Lucy wanted to go with them and I wanted to send her but I thought she might be a bit young for that. :)