Anyway, Halloween.
We never got Molly fully into her costume because, as we came to realize, she's a baby. Babies don't like putting strange things on their heads that they don't understand, let alone entire costumes. She did keep the sock monkey hat on longer than she keeps sun hat on, though, so that was fun. Here's our monkey in a cage (aka at the top of the steps behind the baby gate).
Jim volunteered for baby duty last night and I worked the door. We started with about 160 pieces of candy and, for the first time ever, had to turn off the lights before the official 8 p.m. end of trick-or-treat because we ran out. It was only five minutes early, but it was still unusual.
We're both really suffering because there was no left-over candy. We've never had this problem before. Usually we eat ourselves sick on Halloween and then have to unload all the rest on our coworkers. Last night we were like zombies, walking around the kitchen opening cupboards and moaning that we wanted candy. It's for the best in the long run, but I can't help but wonder if we should have forced the baby into her monkey suit and walked door-to-door just so we could raid her stash. Maybe next year.
The highlight of the evening for Molly, aside from seeing all the kids at the door, was playing with the tag on her unworn costume.
Lucy took one look at Molly's "monkey behind bars" picture and said "cute"! :)
Trick-or-treating with one too little to eat the candy is one of parentings greatest rewards I think. ;)
I can't believe she's walking!!!
Believe it or not, life is just getting a little easier now
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