Molly is definitely getting her first tooth. Daddy confirmed it. It's a sharp little thing. I'd like to think that explains why her sleep has been so off for the past week or two. She's been drooling and chewing on her tongue. Since it cut through she had one amazing night when she slept 10 1/2 hours straight, 6:30 p.m. to 5 a.m.! Maybe we've turned a corner, at least until her next cold or tooth.
Another big first this week was I trimmed Molly's bangs for the first time. She's not a fan of holding still, especially if I have something interesting in my hands like scissors, so they're really uneven. It looks much better than hair in her eyes, though.

Also, we installed Molly's convertible car seat in the car last Sunday so she had her first big girl rides this week (still rear-facing, but she's got more room). The drawback is we can no longer carry her into the house in her car seat and set it down on the nursery floor to let her continue her nap. She could sleep for hours like that. Now I have to unbuckle her and carry her in. I tried it once this week and failed miserably. She was wide awake by the time we reached her room. Ah, well. We kept her in that infant car seat way longer than I thought we would. It's sad to see it go. Jim says we should save that sentiment for her first day of kindergarten. It's not worth feeling sad about every little thing she outgrows. Good point.
On the walking front, Molly takes a step every two or three days. She spent a week or two practicing squatting and standing back up without holding onto anything. She is also working on standing up from one knee. Her balance has gotten much better. It's still pretty weird to look across the room and see her standing in the middle of the floor with no furniture around, just playing with toys in her hands as if she's always known how to stand on her own.
Here are some other shots from today.

We had fun playing around the house.
Molly is really into broccoli lately. She stuffs it into her mouth by the handful. She's also really into apples and pears (peeled, diced and softened in the microwave). She had chicken this week, which was her first meat. The diapers aren't as bad as I feared ... yet. She didn't really eat very much.
OK, now I'm just procrastinating. Our dishwasher died a week or two ago and I've been spending at least a half hour every night after the baby goes to bed washing dishes by hand. We ordered a new dishwasher this weekend but it won't be here for another week and a half. Ugh!!!