Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby laundry

I just did my first load of baby clothes yesterday. I'm sure this will feel like a chore at some point, but right now it's so much fun! It's probably the most fun I've ever had doing laundry. All those tiny socks and little outfits are so cute. And washing them makes it seem even more real that the baby is actually coming and will actually be wearing all these little things. Now they're clean and ready for her. :)


Tessa said...

Oh the days of doing one load of baby laundry :) I do several a day, of course, some is grown up laundry too. Although, I have to say that my laundry load has decreased since Eve gained control of her reflux! If Tinkerbell turns out to be a spitty baby, I'll give you my 500 bibs and burp clothes :)

AnnaPK said...

If you think up a good way of organizing baby clothes let me know. I have little clothes all over the place! And those dang teeny socks!