Saturday, November 3, 2012


We are officially no longer homeowners. Hooray!!!! The closing took place Thursday, deed was registered Friday morning, check is in the mail. It's all very surreal. We spent so much energy not getting our hopes up  that it's hard to stop worrying about the house and mentally let the whole thing go. What a relief!!!!!

We opened a ceremonial bottle of champagne after the kids went to bed last night -- champagne we got when we bought the house to save for the day we paid off the mortgage. Probably it was a bad idea to leave the bottle as one of the last things to unpack from the car in the heat of summer. Good thing there was a little Halloween candy to chase it down after the ceremonial emptying down the drain. :)

Speaking of candy, Molly's done with her entire candy stash. We let her go at it Halloween night and all of the next day. She shared a bunch of it with the rest of us, but I cringe to think how much she must have eaten herself. I think today both kids are finally coming down off the candy hangovers. Bedtime was easy for once.

Our other happy news Friday was that Kate is gaining weight and officially back to a normal doctor visit schedule. They printed the growth chart for us because the line is so dramatic. At 15 months she was 3rd percentile for weight. Now at 19 months she's 29th! They told us to keep doing what we're doing. More candy for breakfast, I guess. :)


AnnaPK said...

Yeah, Yeah and Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! Henry is still 3rd percentile but he keeps trucking along and staying on that curve and as long as they are on a curve it is okay they tell me. He is taller but weighs the same as Lucy did at this age and no one worried about her growth so I am not worrying about Henry's or Kate's anymore! :)

p.s. a good candy binge/hangover is much better than the every 5 minutes asking for a piece in my opinion. :D

Tessa said...

Yay!! Congratulations!

Thea said...

Congratulation kids. I am so happy you are closer. Hope to enjoy your family for a long time.Grandma, Beppe.

Thea said...

Congratulation kids. I am so happy you are closer. Hope to enjoy your family for a long time.Grandma, Beppe.