Thursday, August 25, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've got a nasty cold running through the house (Kate's first, poor baby) so we're kind of just getting by without a lot of extra time.

Our excitement for the weekend was that Molly got a 2-wheeler (with training wheels) and has been practicing up and down the street.

Must have tired Kate out. We set her down in the lawn and a few minutes later she was asleep.

We've got some videos to post, just need to work out the kinks. We haven't been doing much because of illness, but things still seem busy. Molly has only one more gymnastics class before the summer is over (she says she'll be sad but not too sad because preschool is starting). We both got our hair chopped short today. I'll try to get photos tomorrow.

Today was one of those days that seem like an interrogation, when Molly wants to know everything. "Why is there a picture of a credit card on that window?" "Why is there a phone on that?" "Where does the guy sit in that cement mixer truck?" "Why did you say 'hmmpf'?" "When can Kate go in that toy?" "When can I play with other kids?" "When can I see Teddy again?" "What is that dark sound?" ????

The best one all day was when we were in the car and I noticed her looking at me in the rearview mirror.
Me: Hi.
Molly: Why did you say that?
Me: I don't know.
Molly: What?
Me: I don't know.
Molly: Why did you don't know? (pause) I thought you said, 'what?'

It's dizzying.

1 comment:

Grampy D & Grammy Lynn said...

Sorry you're all under the "weather" (so to speak, ha ha ha). Get well wishes to all. I just gotta say - I love Molly's "conversations".