Today she put on a Christmas dress in the morning and kept it on all day. Here she is this evening, playing with Harry and avoiding the camera, in the pretty dress (thank you, Eve).
Molly is definitely more aware of and excited about Christmas this year than last year. Tonight we got ready for Sinterklaas. She remembered from last year that Sinterklaas brings animal crackers and was so excited about this that a little last-minute elf work was required.
She's been going to bed really smoothly lately (knock on wood), but tonight she called out "Mommy, I need to tell you something." I was busy so Jim went in. Molly told him, "I think Santa Claus is on his way right now." That was all.
Here's another thing she was way into last year that she has rediscovered, The Twelve Days of Christmas.
She also has large portions of Twas the Night Before Christmas memorized -- not surprising, considering how many times we've read it in the past week. Our Christmas book selection is somewhat limited now since the nativity story made Molly cry the other night. She got deeply upset about the idea that Mary and Joseph had to sleep in a barn. Now she doesn't want to read those stories anymore. That's only the third time a book has ever upset her so much (the others being the time she got upset that the mother changed into a tree in Runaway Bunny and the time the characters had to leave their family members at the end of a trip to Africa in a library book). Poor kid. I never see it coming and I'm always surprising that seemingly benign ideas in a story can be so upsetting.
And lastly, as Molly gets closer to turning 3 her play has become even more involved and fun to witness -- isn't this so much fun?? One morning she told me this was a baby monkey and spent a long time putting him to bed. I'm glad we still have time to just hang out a lot, even when the holiday craziness is upon us.
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