Molly is finally acting more like herself again after about two weeks of illness. She seemed to be getting over her stomach bug, then last Tuesday she got a fever. I hardly ever take her temperature, but this time she was burning up and acting weird -- all spaced out and dazed -- so we checked it. It was 102.6. We got it down with some Tylenol and I took her to the doctor the next morning. Diagnosis: ear infection, on top of whatever virus was causing her stomach problems.
Anyway, she perked up a little over the weekend when my mom was here. Yay! Yesterday she started eating everything she could put her little fingers on and she hasn't stopped. Making up for lost time, I guess. She's really into eating big pieces of things lately. She doesn't want the little squares of bread that I slice up for her or the tiny cheese cubes or little bits of banana. She wants the full slice of bread, a whole piece of cheese and the whole banana. It makes my life easier, but I'm still a little skeptical -- she still has only the two teeth. I'm not sure how she manages to bite off chunks of things.
Here are some pictures from the week.
Molly sweeping:

Playing peek-a-boo:

She's obsessed with this peekaboo all of a sudden. If she doesn't have a cloth to cover her head, she uses her hands. It cracks her up. Once in a while I notice she's gotten quiet, so I look over and see this.

Silly girl.