Thursday, October 31, 2013


Kate and I just got back from the costume parade at Molly's school.

Molly's teacher leads her class around the bus circle.

Ladybug Girl!
Kate made last-minute decision to dress up for the  parade, even though she's a spectator.

It's purely coincidence that she was sweeping the floors. But maybe it's a Cinderella thing. Who knows.

Guess who had the most fun carving pumpkins last night.
Ready for Halloween night!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Falling leaves

Our trees have barely started dropping their leaves but one big tree at the little grassy park near our house dropped early. Last week a bunch of kindergarten-ish neighborhood kids spontaneously gathered there after school several days in a row to make a pile and play in it.

Molly wanted pigtails for school picture day. I wonder if this is how her formal photo will look.

We celebrated our anniversary with a date night. Molly made us these cards.

"Happy anniversary Daddy." If you look up close there appears to be a tear in my eye, of happiness, I presume.

"Happy anniversary Mommy." Lovin' Daddy's expression here.
Molly just finished up a 4-day weekend from school. Jim took the day off Friday and we went to the zoo. Sunday we met the cousins for a hike and a historical village.

Lucy reads to the others on the story trail.

How to 2-year-olds know instinctively how cute it is when they hold hands?

One-room school house, writing on slates.

Look, a stage!