Thursday, January 5, 2012

Baby's first beer

I think I've mentioned before that Kate is a funny eater. Some days she devours everything in front of her. Some days she rejects everything, even things she loved before. Lately she's been eating not much but bread. Give her anything else, she throws it on the floor. She'll eat an entire slice of bread, broken into little bits, in one sitting. Last night at dinner she ate a bunch of bread then reached for my food, which happened to be this recipe for Ale, Cheddar and Cauliflower Soup. It's pureed so I figured, why not? She loved it! It's not exactly mild flavored, either. Now we wait three days before introducing a new food to make sure she's not allergic to Budweiser (which work fine in the recipe, by the way). The alcohol cooks off, right? I swear it wasn't an attempt to get her to sleep through the night.

Not much else is going on. Molly is back to school and having a good time. Kate has a taste for danger and is going through a power outlet phase. She's also learned to climb, as we discovered the day we found her standing at the top of Molly's step stool and crawling into the second shelf on Molly's bookcase.

Since Christmas, Molly has more ways than ever before to be matchy with Kate.

This is a card she made for me the other day. I think it's supposed to be a thank you note for me to send to somebody else, but she says the picture at the top is me holding Kate and Molly next to us.

It seems everything else on my camera is unrelated to children. Here's our family heirloom Christmas cactus blooming.

And here are my newest hobbies ...

weaving on my new Cricket loom

and making wire jewelry with pliers and wire scavanged from the basement.

Speaking of hobbies, the girls are in bed. What am I doing here? Off to craft!

1 comment:

AnnaPK said...

I am SO jealous!!!!!!! I keep looking at my loom but I haven't allowed myself to open it yet because I still haven't put the furniture back in its pre-Christmas spots. Your bracelet and cactus are both beautiful!